Fleet Information

Fleet Information

Details that affect fleet insurance

  • How many vehicles do you have in your fleet?
  • What types of vehicles do you want to insure?
  • Make, model & registrations of vehicles?
  • Value of your vehicles?
  • Where are the vehicles kept overnight?
Driver details that affect insurance premiums:
  • Driver age
  • Named drivers or any driver policy (Any driver that meets the policy criteria to be covered).
  • Any previous driving convictions
Three categories of cover available.
Third-party only.
  • Third-party only fleet insurance you will only be covered for any third-party damage to another driver and/or their vehicle. This is the cheapest form of fleet insurance and the minimum amount of legal cover required for fleet businesses to operate. While less expensive than other types of fleet insurance, it does not pay out for any damage to your own vehicles and drivers. Therefore, in the event of an accident, you would be liable for any repairs to your own vehicle.
Third-party, Fire and Theft.
  • Third-party, fire and theft, fleet insurance, gives a higher level of protection than third-party only. TPF&T gives the added covers of fire and theft, which means you will be able to claim if a vehicle is stolen or damage as a result of a fire. This policy type also covers you for any injury or damage to third parties in the event of an accident.
Fully Comprehensive 
  • Fully comprehensive fleet insurance is, as the name suggests the most comprehensive cover on the market and consequently it is the most expensive of the three categories available. If you choose the fully comprehensive route you are protecting yourself against not only fire, theft and third party but also you are covered for damage to your own vehicles and drivers.
Extensions and additional cover.

     We can offer additional & extensions including,

  • public liability
  • employer’s liability
  • breakdown assistance
  • goods in transit
  • tools cover


Anglo House, 43-45 Butts Green Road, Hornchurch, RM11 2JS